The fact is that the fuel for this industry comes from the likes of you and me. In some, seemingly innocuous and conniving way we part with out hard earned Mazola in order to obtain the perfect body form and all in the name of beauty.
Look, you can get that body beautiful without breaking the bank and getting into heaps of debt and without taking a stroll along insolvency street. I'll share three special dieting tips that won't cost you a dime, three dieting tips as recommended by the experts!
Special Dieting Tips #1 - Water, Water Everywhere
How simple can these dieting tips get? Simply make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water each and every day. Make drinking water a part of your lifestyle and it doesn't matter what dieting programme you're currently following - drink that water and enjoy life's simple pleasure.
Many dieters find drinking 8 glasses of water a problem. By the time you've gotten through glass number 2 you still have 6 more to finish. Well psychologically it's easier to finish something than to have 7 more glasses of something.
Try filling a 64 once water pitcher first thing in the morning, fill it with ice and store it in a cooler. Your mission for the day, should you chose to accept it is to empty that jug by the time you go bed in the night.
Just consider the other advantageous side effect of an adequate intake of H2O: your skin will begin to visibly glow and your body will receive an all-over detox. Moreover, those who suffer with an over production of gut acid will benefit as stomach juices are minimalized.
Special Dieting Tips #2 - Lemon in the Morning
This is another well known, tried and tested dieting tip: take a full glass full of warm lemon water as soon as you get up in the morning. Using a microwave safe mug, warm the fresh water for about one minute. Then, simply add a teaspoon or two of fresh squeezed or bottled lemon juice. The fresh will always have a better flavour.
If you want to increase your metabolism further then try adding a teaspoon of honey.
Remember that the secret here is that the water should be warm and not cold. Cold water will simply not work for this trick.
You'll find something else happening as you go through this routine each morning: your body will receive a morning revelle; the bugle call that reminds the body of your intention to get fit and healthy. Try this simple dieting tip for yourself and see the difference it'll make in just a short time.
Special Dieting Tips #3 - Consistent Weigh Ins
By this I mean always have your weigh in at the same time of day each and every day and always use the same scale. Just put two scales side-by-side and you'll see what I mean.
Any way, don't weigh each and every day. This is a sure fire way of discouraging yourself. Most experts will recommend weekly or fortnightly weigh-ins, that's plenty for anybody. However, aim for the same day each time. A midweek day is best then you have two days to burn of those indulgences from the weekend.
Also you may find it better to weigh yourself first thing on the morning so you don't have the excuse of blaming the results on anything you had for breakfast. Weigh yourself in the same kind of clothes; pyjamas for instance and chart down the figure, whatever it is.
Special Dieting Tips #4 - give yourself a day off
This has to be the best dieting tip that I've ever come across and the one that makes the greatest sense. When you consider that the most difficult aspect of dieting is the mental attitude towards food. You are trying to beat your flesh and in this respect you'll find that you fail most of the time. You see your mind wants to be in control yet it's in a battle against your body. "The spirit is willing but the body is weak."
My most successful weight loss has come when I only aim to diet 6 days out of every seven. In other words, one day per week, whatever day is most suitable for you, you are not on a diet.
This is an enormous boost to your will power and self esteem. When you embark on a diet you're in a constant battle and whenever you fail you take a trip on the roller coaster of guilt. When you have a weekly day off a diet is much easier to maintain for a prolonged period and you do away with the guilt. You're on a win - win roundabout.
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