Step 1: Dieting doesn't work. Engaging in fad diets, or for that matter any diet, may actually do more harm than good. It produces a pendulum effect that creates a cycle of losing and gaining weight. It is much more effective to implement health lifestyle habits that we carry with us for the rest of our lives.
Our bodies have the innate ability to heal themselves. The only requirement is to provide it with the proper nourishment. By eating the appropriate foods we strengthen our blood and cleanse our organs. By altering our daily routine we create the necessary environment for our system to thrive.
The very first step in the process to losing weight and improving our health is to change what we eat. First, eliminate processed and prepared foods. Cut things such as soda, artificial drinks and artificial sweeteners from you diet. Avoid red meat. The primary stable for humans is whole grains, vegetables and fruit.
Step 2: Don't rush when you eat. Take the time to sit down and properly enjoy your meal. Chew your food extremely well. When you chew your food well 90% of the digestion will take place in your mouth. You will absorb more nutrition from your food and be satisfied with less. Chewing your food well will take the burden off your stomach and digestive tract.
Don't eat before bed for at least three hours. While eating before bed may soothe your nerves it doesn't really give you time to digest your food throughly. Also, sit down when you eat and enjoy your meal.
Salt should only be used when preparing your meal. Don't put salt on your food at the table. Avoid prepared foods high in sodium. Excess salt binds fat to our system and makes it more difficult to lose weight. Sea salt is preferable to processed salt. Sea salt is rich in trace elements that are essential for our health.
Also, I'm not a believer in counting calories. You should eat as much as you wish with the following caveats. You should chew extremely well and eat wholesome, natural foods.
Step 3: You need some form of activity. I'm not fond of the idea of joining a gym for exercise. While this may work for some people, in a sense it is very much like dieting. It seems to create an endless cycle of joining and quitting, only to vow starting again. Exercise should be an organic part of our daily routine. Walking, running, riding a bike or even swimming are ideal ways to oxygenate our blood and burn calories.
That's it in a nutshell. Do not obsess about your weight. By making these changes an integral part of your daily life, losing weight and regaining your health will be natural and effortless.
3 Day Fast Weight Loss
Unfortunately, by now, the overwhelming majority of these well-intentioned folks will have already failed and uttered those immortal words...
"Oh well, I guess I'll try again next year."
Don't let that be you!
Here are three powerful tips that'll help you lose the weight you want to lose once and for all:
Powerful Weight Loss Tip #1 - Stop "trying" to lose weight.
The word "try" is, in my opinion, the single biggest "weasel word" in the entire English language.
Why do I call it a "weasel word", you ask?
The word "try", by its very definition, comes with a built-in "escape hatch".
If you say you'll "try" to do something and you don't, you can always use your "escape hatch" and "weasel" out of it by saying...
"Well, I tried!"
Here's the deal...
You either will do something or you won't do something...
You either do something or you don't do something...
There's no such thing as "trying" to do something!
Think about it...
"Try" to read this article.
You can't, can you?
You either will read this article or you won't read this article...
You either do read this article or you don't read this article...
You can't "try" to read this article.
Can you "try" to lose weight.
You either will lose weight or you won't lose weight...
You either do lose weight or you don't lose weight...
It's that simple!
Powerful Weight Loss Tip #2 - Focus on what you want, not on what you don't want.
In the book for which he's best known, his classic masterpiece "The Science of Getting Rich", Wallace D. Wattles wrote:
"The Creative Power within us makes us into the image of that to which we give our attention."
Most people who set out to lose weight start out by saying something like...
"I want to lose 50 pounds."
Question for you...
If you make a statement to yourself like...
"I want to lose 50 pounds"...
What are you giving your attention to?
Those excess 50 pounds, right?
Since that's what you're giving your attention to...
Guess what?
You got it...
That's *exactly* what you'll have...
Those excess 50 pounds!
In other words...
By making a statement like...
"I want to lose 50 pounds"...
You're subconsciously setting yourself up for failure before you even begin.
What should you do instead?
In his book "The Personal Power Course", Wallace D. Wattles wrote:
"... whenever you think of your physical self... think of the IDEAL BODY WHICH YOU ARE BUILDING, and not of the body which now is."
Therein lies the secret to successfully losing weight.
If you weigh 200 pounds and you want to weigh 150 pounds...
Rather than say...
"I want to lose 50 pounds"...
"I want to weigh 150 pounds"...
"I weigh 150 pounds."
Even better...
Take "weight" out of the picture altogether and simply...
Form a clear and definite mental image of "the ideal body which you are building" and hold that image in your thoughts "whenever you think of your physical self".
Think about it...
If you looked and felt *exactly* as you wanted to look and feel, would you really care what you weighed?
I think not. :-)
Powerful Weight Loss Tip #3 - Stay away from mirrors, scales, and tape measures.
Most people who begin a weight loss program, regardless of what it is, seem to have this overwhelming need to look in the mirror, hop on the scale, or check their measurements every five minutes to see if their weight loss program is working.
"Every five minutes" may be a bit of an exaggeration, but for some it's not too far from the truth. :-)
Here's a question for you to ponder...
If you look in the mirror, hop on the scale, or check your measurements anytime before you have the ideal body you want, are you thinking of "the ideal body which you are building" or of "the body which now is"?
Think about it.
"The Creative Power within us makes us into the image of that to which we give our attention."
If you *really* want to shed your excess pounds this New Year once and for all...
Here's my best advice:
1. Take "weight" out of the picture altogether and decide *exactly* how you want to look and feel.
2. Form a clear and definite mental image of "the ideal body which you are building" and hold that image in your thoughts "whenever you think of your physical self".
3. Stay away from mirrors, scales, and tape measures.
With that...
I wish you and your loved ones a wealthy, healthy, successful, and happy New Year!
Both Scott Soloff & Tony Mase are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Scott Soloff has sinced written about articles on various topics from fat burners, Nintendo Games and Weight Loss Pills. Scott Soloff is the publisher of where. Scott Soloff's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Scott Soloff to your Favourites.
Tony Mase has sinced written about articles on various topics from Kids and Teens, self improvement and motivation and Finances. Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the creator of an amazing website that'll take you by the hand and guide you step-by-step d. Tony Mase's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark Tony Mase to your Favourites.
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