People battle with weight everyday. Some people spend most of their life doing so. In fact, it is sad because statistics say that very few people will actually end up losing weight and making any permanent changes in their lives. If you want to go against the statistics however, there are some things that you should keep in mind when you begin your next trip down weight loss lane.
Tip #1 Revise your eating.
Evaluate everything you eat by keeping a food diary for a week or more and analyze it. How often do you eat vegetables? How often do you drink soda, eat junk food or sweets? Can you pinpoint your trouble period of the day?
Once you are familiar with what you eat, how much you eat and when, it is easier to make the necessary changes. Maybe you need to chew gum to avoid snacking as you prepare supper or make a firm rule to not eat after 7pm. Maybe you need to cut out certain things altogether. Sometimes just making a few adjustments in your eating will be enough to shed those unwanted pounds. However, more often than not, it takes more than just diet.
Tip #2 Get some exercise.
We live in a very sedentary society. We sit much of the day in cars and in front of the TV and the computer. We have to schedule in time for exercise and often it is the easiest thing to cut out, because it's not a lot of fun and we just don't enjoy it.
The key to sticking with exercise is having fun. We need to learn from our kids. They run around and play and have so much fun being active. They are not doing it because they ?need? the exercise; it's simply for the joy of it. We as adults need to find that part of our spirit again. One great way to do so is to play a game like basketball.
Basketball is the ideal way to get exercise and enjoy it. It is something you can play with simply one other person or a full team of players. You can also get some great exercise just by practicing and doing basketball drills by yourself. It is also a year-round sport. Portable basketball hoops allow you to play it outdoors for much of the year and when it becomes too cold, bring it inside.
There are many gyms, sports centers and even churches with indoor basketball courts. Having a team you are committed to will also increase the frequency with which you play and your dedication to your new sport.
Tip #3 Be Consistent and Committed
The most important thing to keep in mind with weight loss is to stick with it. It is not something that is achieved overnight. In 6 months or a year from now, you can look exactly as you do now or you can have shed the weight you want to lose. Staying committed to your weight loss goals mean not giving up and keeping your goals in mind. To do this you can put reminders in different parts of the house and your food journal always in plain sight. Track your progress and what you eat.
Don't beat yourself up for slipping up!
Being consistent means that you don't exercise and eat right part time. It needs to be all day, every day. You have to stick with it and when you do treat yourself with a special food or take an exercise break, simply get right back on track afterwards. Don't make excuses for yourself. If you drop the ball on the exercise or your diet, your weight loss goals will be much slower in coming.
Keep these top 3 tips for weight loss in mind and be consistent and committed to what you do. In no time you'll be shopping for smaller clothes and be proud of your accomplishment.
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