Every now and then we are caught dreaming about a tummy with perfect abs, and how we envy those flat bellies of the hot and sizzling models and celebrities! The fact is these models and celebs have a gang of fitness trainers and coachers who aid them at getting such a perfectly toned body with 6/8 packs wrapped in their solid willpower. However, we start with a low self-control and layperson knowledge, enlightened by the unintelligent infomercials, magazines and other gimmicks and finally end up quitting because of no results and with only pain in hand. But you can still conquer your dream of having perfectly toned abs. For this, check out some easy-to-do ab exercise work-outs and get yourself that flat tummy.
If you follow a perfect routine for ab exercise, you are sure to have a toned tummy and enhance your stamina and muscle vigor. Do not fall for those supplements and other promotional gimmicks!! This exercise is the correct way to tone up the abs muscle area. Before starting with the various ab exercises, you need to keep few things in mind.
? You have to follow, three to five days a week schedule for any of three abdominal workouts listed below.
? Select the exercises, according to your comfort zone.
? Once you get the gist of these exercises you can increase the sessions and time duration depending upon your ability and strength.
Some of the common ones are reverse or long arm or vertical crunch and the customary ab crunch. You can very well avoid few of these dull and painful ab exercises for instance crunches and sit-ups. Instead switch to simple abdominal body weight exercises and get your stomachs flatter. Try out planks, side planks or ab exercise using medicine ball techniques.
Tired of the tedious and painful ab exercises, try out the new techniques...
? Use a medicine ball of five pounds and resting it on your chest while you lie down flat on the ground. Now curl up and throw the ball to your partner while sustaining the crunch until the ball comes back to you. Once you get the ball, go back to your original position and start again.
? Using a ball roll out technique - keep the ball in front of you and both your hands on the ball, try rolling the ball out while stretching and sustaining the back in a straight contour and then come back to the starting point.
? Another ab exercise is a plank with rotation technique - combine a regular with a side plank and start with a side plank position, do not move your hips and keep rotating to the regular plank and then to other side of the side plank.
For an astonishing result, keep a good control on your calorie intake. Due to the drop in the body fat and muscle building, you need to have proper nutrition consumption i.e. a balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein and fats and lastly keep yourself hydrated. So get yourself on the track of a proper ab exercise workouts and be ready to flaunt your 6 packs!
Ab Exercise With Ball
What are the best ab exercises to develop six pack abs? The answer to this question seems to be forever changing. For example, the sit-up has completely fallen out of favor by the fitness community. In fact, the majority of fitness experts now declare that sit-ups are incredibly dangerous to you spine. Where was this opinion born? Did countless trainees injure their spines from performing this "treacherous" exercise? Luckily for most of us, that is not the case.
The "sit-ups are unsafe" chant that can be heard echoing throughout fitness centers all over the world was actually born in the lab. Studies have found that sit-ups stress the spine more than the crunch does. And? Taking a nap will stress the spine even less than crunched do. Is napping a better ab exercise than crunches? You can see how the stress argument is seriously flawed. Every exercise that you perform creates some stress on the body. It is that stress that encourages our body to adapt and get stronger. This is the very nature of exercise.
Let's take a closer look at the sit up. The sit-up involves the hip flexor musculature to finish the movement. Since the hip flexors originate on the spine, it makes sense that sit-ups do stress the spine to some degree. Is this stress dangerous? Does this stress lead to injuries? Do the sit-up critics have a point?
The fact of the matter is, athletes and fitness trainees have been safely incorporating sit-ups and their variations for years now. This alone should make it obvious that the "sit-up alarm" may be ringing for no apparent reason. The truth is, I have never witnessed one spine get damaged at the hand of a set of sit-ups. You would suspect that after 16 plus years as a fitness professional I would have at least seen one sit-up related injury if they were so harmful.
Even after convincing trainers that sit-ups are not as dangerous as they are claimed to be, many still opt for crunches instead. Now I have nothing against the crunch but sit-ups do have some advantages over the crunch. Let's see why.
The truth is that the abs are only responsible for the beginning portion of the movement during a sit-up. Once you are in the finished "crunch" position, the hip flexors take over to finish the top portion of the sit-up. It should be noted that although the hip flexors provide the movement in the top range, the abs are still contracting hard. This contraction prevents your back from arching and contributes to the overall ab workout.
Something else to consider is that the sit-up burns more calories than crunches do. Working through a larger range of motion and integrating other muscles besides the abs, makes this possible. Remember, training your abs directly is only half the equation to having a six pack. The other part to this is reducing body fat to unveil your stomach. Burning additional calories will help contribute to this.
Although the sit up is not the greatest ab exercise, I do personally recommend sit ups from time to time to any individual who fits the "sit up" criteria. The criteria are simple: no pre-existing back problems, and a solid base of abdominal strength. Couple that with proper form, and you will not have any problems!
Both M. Powers & John Alvino are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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